Kadena vs Hashgraph

October 13, 2021

Kadena vs Hashgraph

Decentralized blockchain technology has revolutionized several industries, including finance, gaming, and real estate. Over the years, many new blockchain platforms have emerged, each offering different sets of features and services. Kadena and Hashgraph are two popular blockchain platforms, but which one is better? In this post, we'll compare Kadena and Hashgraph to help you decide which one suits your enterprise needs.


Kadena is a blockchain platform that focuses on scalability and security. It uses a hybrid approach to consensus called Chainweb, which consists of multiple blockchain chains that work together to create a secure, scalable, and decentralized platform. Kadena is highly flexible and allows developers to customize their blockchain applications to their needs.

Hashgraph, on the other hand, is a distributed ledger technology that uses a consensus algorithm called gossip protocol. Its consensus mechanism allows for fast and secure transactions on a decentralized network. Hashgraph is known for its energy-efficient operation and claims to offer high security and scalability at the same time.


Kadena can process up to 750 transactions per second with low latency, making it ideal for high-throughput use cases. Kadena's focus on scalability means that the network can handle more transactions as more nodes join and the network's size grows.

Hashgraph claims to have a throughput of over 10,000 transactions per second, with minimal network delays. However, these claims have yet to be independently verified, and some critics argue that Hashgraph's throughput numbers are inflated.


Kadena uses a hybrid consensus mechanism that combines proof-of-work (PoW) and proof-of-stake (PoS) to ensure that the network is secure from attacks. This hybrid approach reduces the risk of a 51% attack and ensures that the network remains decentralized.

Hashgraph uses a consensus mechanism called Virtual Voting, which is designed to prevent attacks like DDoS, Sybil, and other forms of network attacks. Virtual Voting does not require miners to perform computations, and transactions are secured using digital signatures.

Ease of Use

Kadena is a developer-friendly platform that offers extensive documentation and tools to help developers build blockchain applications easily. Kadena is also compatible with popular programming languages such as Java, Rust, and Haskell, making it easier for developers to get started with the platform.

Hashgraph, on the other hand, is less developer-friendly and has limited documentation available to help developers get started. Additionally, Hashgraph uses its own programming language called Solidity++, which may be harder for developers to learn.


Both Kadena and Hashgraph are promising blockchain platforms that have their strengths and weaknesses. Kadena is ideal for high-throughput use cases that require scalability, while Hashgraph is known for its energy-efficient operation and high security.

Ultimately, the choice between Kadena and Hashgraph depends on your specific needs and requirements. Whichever platform you choose, it's essential to work with experienced blockchain developers who can help you unlock the full potential of the platform.


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